Wednesday 14 August 2013

I hate packing!

Well, we're getting there! 
The spare bedroom is at the moment somewhat resembling a bomb site, Thomas has discovered he is lacking one pair of pants and I have turned every cupboard upside down in the process of finding something I bought ages ago and "put away safe". 
I have a rather large dislike of packing. Neil, however, relishes the idea of being in charge (not something he's allowed to be very often!) and actually is rather good at it (again, not something that occurs that often!). 
So, needless to say, I shall be stressing and directing operations in the morning whilst Neil calmly, quietly and patiently listens to my "oh god we've far too much stuff - it'll never all fit in" ranting and neatly and deftly packs it all in, with room to spare no doubt. 

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