Thursday 29 August 2013

Day 13 - so long New York!

Boy has today been a busy one again! 
We hopped on our hoho bus in an Uptown direction this morning , and headed for the American Museum of Natural History. The boys were excited by this as they both love The Night at the Museum. So we set about finding key elements from the film. we found the elephants, lions, moose & dinosaur. The Easter Island head (you dum dum give me gum gum) definitely had to be found, and after much wandering it was!
After a morning of education we took a stroll through Central Park. It's really hard to believe, when you're surrounded by hills and trees and lakes and grassy fields, that this was all once roads and buildings which had to be dug up for the park to be built. We found Belvedere Castle (which the boys recognised from The Smurfs movie) and went up the towers for a wonderful view of the park. 
Thomas wanted to see the Guggenheim museum, even though we found out it is closed on a Thursday, so we had a stroll up the side of the park to show him this strangely amazing looking building. 
Time for some food now. We found a really nice, typical American diner - looked a little bit "greasy-spoon" from the outside, but the food was anything but! And the portions...

We then walked to the Rockefeller Centre and had a look around the shops inside. Thomas had his ice cream radar on, so we ended up in Ben and Jerry's!

Now we are on our way to the airport to start our long journey home. Our flight leaves at about 10.30pm tonight and gets us in to Heathrow at 10.30 tomorrow morning - no doubt suffering a bit from jet lag!

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