Thursday 22 August 2013

Day 6 - Busch Gardens

Last night's firework and light show was one of the best I have ever seen - and I've seen some pretty fab fireworks in my life as anyone who's been to the Shrewsbury Flower show will vouch for! Nobody does it quite like Disney does it hey!?! And I can't wait to go and see the Disney Magic Kingdom fireworks later this week!
Today started early to be at the park for opening at 10am. It was a nice drive over to Tampa - saw a bit more of the "real" America. 
Busch Gardens is a vary tidily landscaped theme park/wildlife park housing numerous exotic animals. First stop was a brand new ride named after one of Busch Gardens inhabitants - Cheetah Run. This was an exhilarating roller coaster ride featuring 3 fast launches from 0-60 mph replicating the speed of a cheetah. It was a really exciting breath-taking ride which we all enjoyed. 

Next was Montu, Voted America's 7th best roller coaster. The initial climb went so high you could see over the whole park - even as far as the giraffes grazing in the distance. This first climb was quickly followed by 360' loops, corkscrews, and rolls. It was fantastic. So much do that Thomas insisted we ride it again immediately!

Next we went on the safari train ride, our second day of seeing beautiful animals in a very natural setting. We saw Rhinos, including one who crossed the train track right in front of us (the driver did stop for him!) and a baby rhino wallowing in the mud swamp. We then rounded the corner to see largest herd of giraffe I have ever seen - a closely observing the train as it passed. The two newest baby giraffe weren't up for performing to the camera and stayed sitting down as we passed. 
After lunch Neil and Thomas went on the Congo Rapids - Thomas has discovered a new love of wet rides this week!
Then sadly the Floridian weather got the better of us , and after waiting for over 30minutes for the log flume, we were told that all the rides were closed due to severe thunder storms in the area. We hung around the park a while longer in the hope that the threat of death-by- lightning would pass, but eventually decided that we'd call it a day and head home. Not a minute too soon! As our tram neared the car park area, big, fat, wet raindrops began to descend, the heavens turned black and thunder rumbled all around us. We saw some more of this state's amazing lightning and torrential rain on our way home, and we're glad to be safe and dry in the car!

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