Sunday 25 August 2013

Day 9 - Seaworld.

Today started bright and sunny (and bloody hot again!) with breakfast at Sizzlers - don't know what Thomas is going to do without his morning pancake, or William with his bowl of chocolate slop!
Then we hit Seaworld. It was quiet when we got there so we managed to ride Manta and Kraken twice each within the first hour - score! Manta was a fantastic ride, very much like Air at Alton Towers, a face-down flying type ride which at one point goes through a "pretzel loop" which is like a backwards upside down 360' loop! Amazing!
Kraken was a "normal" roller coaster with 7 inversions - William counted them!
We then watched the Shamu show which also featured Shamu's baby - sooo cute. Glad we weren't in the splash zone though it was quite amusing watching the cross people who didn't believe it when they said "you will get wet". Sit in the soak zone - what do you expect?!

We then walked round to the Dolphin Show and this was far more than just a dolphin show. We were treated to acrobatics, diving, dolphin stunts and free-flying parrots! Wow!

Proof that I was here for those of you who've been asking where the photos of me are!
Now we're back in our hotel room busily packing for the next part of our amazing adventure. Tomorrow - New York baby!!

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