Monday 19 August 2013

Day 3 - Kennedy Space Centre/Center

Well, this has really been a "boy day"! 
Had a fab journey there through some beautiful American countryside, boys fascinated by the big American trucks we passed, but a little disappointed not to have spotted any Gators in the water at all. 
Quite exciting approaching KSC as you can see the Vehicle Assembly Building in the distance across the water - a real iconic NASA building. Apparently it's so large you could fit 4 Empire State Buildings inside!
The Shuttle Launch simulator was a really amazing experience - really gave you a taste of what it would be like to actually be an astronaut on take-off (without ever actually leaving the ground!). 
The boys (and I also a little bit if I admit it) were really wowed to see the real, actual Atlantis in all it's glory,  inside one of the massive interactive display buildings. 
But my favourite bit was a talk by a real astronaut - John McBride, who had actually really and properly been into space numerous times and gave us a really interesting and funny insight into his life as an astronaut. 
So, not such a thrill-filled day as our first couple have been, it has been quite nice to slow the pace down a wee bit today, and to be able to spend most of this blisteringly hot day inside lovely cool (at times COLD) buildings!
Back to the theme parks tomorrow though!!

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