Tuesday 27 August 2013

Day 10 - New York City

Couldn't post this yesterday as couldn't find a free wifi spot - but here we are now!
OMG what a day! I am completely and utterly and totally knackered!
Our plane left Orlando International airport at 11.15 for our flight to JFK airport - New York. Thomas fit to sit in the cockpit with the pilots for a photo - hoping to win school's "reading in an unusual place" competition!
Do you think he'll win?!

 At the airport we were greeted by our driver & chauffeured to our hotel in a Cadillac - how cool?!
I emailed the manager at our hotel several weeks before we left asking if it would be possible to have a "room with a view". Well, after taking the express elevator to the 34th floor we were greeted with our view - of Times Square!
We then spent all afternoon on Fifth Avenue - all buying ourselves little treats - the boys in the Apple Store and me in Tiffany!
After an exhausting afternoon's shopping and walking we are now safely ensconced with a pink lemonade waiting for our first tea BYC style!

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