Tuesday 20 August 2013

Day 4 - Universal Studios

Wow we're busy! Today we've managed to ride every ride we wanted to in Universal Studios park AND go back to a few favourites in The Islands of Adventure park next door too!
We started off with breakfast at Sizzlers -after intending to go for a healthy cereal and fresh fruit option I was confronted with the whole self service buffet and my good intentions went to pot. French toast was followed by corned beef hash & hash browns, finished off with a croissant with whipped (?!?!) margarine and strawberry jelly! Yum yum - guess where we're off to tomorrow for breakfast?!

Our first ride at Universal studios was a fantastic Transformers simulator - amazing effects even I enjoyed (and I don't know one transformer from another!). This was followed by the ET adventure, and it was lovely to reminisce about watching the film 30 years ago and exciting to go in that bike ride with ET in my basket! Universal is full of special effects and simulator experiences, so The Simpsons, MIB, Revenge of the Mummy,Disaster Movie and Twister were all brilliant. Thomas & I sat and baked whilst Will & Neil braved Rip Ride  (we weren't quite brave enough for that one!). 
We then decided to go back around the lake to Islands of Adventure and went in the Forbidden Journey once more - think this has become our favourite ride in the Universal parks.). After a brief break for churros and icy slushies
William persuaded me to brave The Hulk - which I have to say I actually really enjoyed - shooting out of the top of the launch section into the blazing sunlight made it very difficult to tell which way round we actually were!
Back to the hotel then for a swim and our new game of dodge the lizard on the way down to the pool!

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