Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 12 - 9/11 memorial

Last night finished with a lovely meal in Applebee's, a wander round Times Square (probably the only place in the world which is busier and brighter at night than in the day!), and a fab brownie at a cute little bakery. 
Today we hopped back on the ho-ho bus down to Ground Zero where we visited the 9/11 memorial site. Seeing some of the messages from survivors and relatives of victims really made you think. Then seeing the actual site itself, where last time we came those two tall towers stood, was really quite moment.  
We then jumped back on our bus  (we like these buses!!) and travelled back up to E43rd street and went to Grand Central Terminal. The boys seemed a bit "what are we going to a train station for?" on the way, but once inside it was much more "wow!" 
We then paid a visit to The Chrysler Building. I think this is the most beautiful building in the city, and looks even more stunning at night time when it is all lit up. Sadly you can't get any further than the lobby inside, but it's worth going in just to say you've been. 

Tea at Dave & Buster's again tonight. A diner we discovered in Orlando, and it has become a firm favourite - especially with Thomas who can't get enough of their Legendary Goldfingers!
William loves their Boss Club Sandwich
Neil & I love their Philly Cheesesteak sandwich 
And their pink lemonade is to die for!
Can't believe it's the last night of our holiday, two weeks seems a really long time, but it has just flown by, and we have been so unbelievably busy!
Off for another wander in Times Square - that place really has to be seen to be believed, and it's amazing at night time! Maybe we'll find that little bakery again for some dessert?!

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