Saturday 7 September 2013

One week on ;(

Well, after our monster journey home we all slept like babies on the Saturday night and I woke up (at 9.30am) thinking "yeah jetlag, you ain't got to us!!" how wrong could I be!!! Saturday night, whilst Neil snored like a wallowing baby hippo, William, Thomas and I were all still awake at midnight. I tried to tell the boys it's Ok, you'll go to sleep soon. Liar! At 2am they (and I) were all still awake. William succumbed to sleep at about 3.30 whilst Thomas and I snuggled on the sofa under his duvet. At 3.50am he awoke to say "Mummy - I've been asleep - what time is it?!" I shushed him and told him he'd been asleep for 10 minutes!
Eventually - at 4.30am, Thomas fell asleep. I, however, was as wide awake as it is possible to be, I composed a Photobox photobook and, at 6 am decided to start on my mountain of ironing! The boys were NOT impressed to be woken on Sunday morning at 8.30 am for rugby training! After a day of exercise and fresh air, we all slept like babies on Sunday night. Jetlag - we have you conquered!!! WRONG!! Monday night, 11.30pm, the boys and I were ready to partaaaay! Unfortunately I knew William & I had to be at school Monday morning, so was becoming increasingly frustrated at sleep's lack of presence in our house. Neil, as before, was securely ensconced in the land of slumber! Eventually, at about midnight, the sleep fairy visited us, and quiet fell over the Smith house. 
Neil has just worked our our stats for the New York leg of our trip - 42.4 miles or 74,311 steps. Not bad for 3 days huh?
And as we waited outside our hotel for our airport transfer car, a car with US Open on the side pulled up, a sporty man jumped out and collected a large tennis racket bag from the trunk of the car, and proceeded into our hotel - dunno who he was, but when people ask,
it was Andy Murray!!!!!!

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